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(242) Security Status. Download for Android. Softonic review. The Sims 3: The universe where dreams coming true. The Sims 3, a life simulation video game developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts, took the gaming world by storm upon its release in 2009. Download and play The Sims FreePlay to continue living large! Live it up with The Sims 3! • Take your Sims with you anywhere! The Sims 3 is the ONLY Sims game on your Android devices that does not require internet connection to play • Complete Goals and Wishes! Unlock and achieve 73 goals and wishes to help your Sims reach their full potential Download The Sims 3, a popular life simulator game from EA, for Android devices. Choose from different versions, mods, and caches to customize your gameplay. Download do APK de The Sims™ 3 para Android - Official description. Based on the number 1 PC game franchise of all time, The Sims 3 brings exciting new gameplay and endless possibilities all on your mobile phone! Enjoy unexpected moments of surprise and mischief, as you choose whether (or not!) to fulfill your Simsu0027 destinies and make their wishes come true. The Sims 3 Enjoy instant unlimited access to The Sims3 Starter Pack with your EA Play Pro membership Get unlimited access to the best editions of our latest games on Play select new releases days before launch Save 10% on EA digital purchases Unlock member-only, in-game rewards. Conditions, limitations, and exclusions apply. See for details. Download The Sims 3 free for PC, Mac - CCM Version 1.70.305. License Commercial. Language en. Fiches. Downloads. Video games. Simulation. David Webb. 02/13/2024 10:55. The Sims 3 is a life simulation video game that was initially released in 2009. This is the third installment in The Sims franchise and was developed by Maxis Redwood Shores. The Sims 3 (mobile) | The Sims Wiki | Fandom The Sims 3 APK for Android. 1.6.11. Electronic Arts Inc (Paid) User rating. Download not available temporarily. Electronic Arts (Full Version) 1/3. EA brings one of its most popular titles to mobile. Fans of The Sims series can now enjoy this title on their smartphones. more info TSM is a simulation game where you can create and customize your Sims, build their homes, and shape their lives. The game requires a persistent Internet connection and may collect and share your data with third parties. Download The Sims 3 APK 1.6.11 for Android - The Sims 3 for Android brings the magic of the virtual life simulation to your mobile phone. The original gameplay of The Sims 3 for Windows has been replicated in this Android version. You need to create a personalized character (a u0027Simu0027) then control all aspects of their life in order to make them as happy and successful as possible. The Sims 3 - Download for PC Free - Malavida Download The Sims 3 mod apk for android and create your own world with your stories. 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